The Wolf-Angel-Gay-Demonlord Deuteronomy: Epic Adventure of Slay and Awesomeness is a satire animated series following Deuteronomy Narutoluckystar (referred to as Doodoo-kun in-universe), a seemingly normal high school student with a dark secret and an even darker past. He lives his day-to-day undercover, using the guise of schoolwork and friendship to hide his true purpose- finding his family and, ultimately, choosing which royal lineage of his to honor above all else. Joining his side are classmates (and love interests?) Firejudas Red and Leafjesus Green, who are devoted to helping him in his quest.
Demonlord Deuteronomy was inspired by shows like Nyan Neko Sugar Girls and Sugoi Quest for Kokoro, with the title character being a parody of 'edgy' characters made by younger anime fans. The show was an idea my fiance and I came up with, and it extended into a group project involving much of our friend group.