i recently made a flag design for a xenogender and proposed some more personal stripe meanings.
things in the USA are getting tough. i promised sometime in the past that i would keep these relevant to the site, but current events are getting harder to ignore.
WHEW. it's been a heck of a year. i'll start with real life updates, since I've been spending way more time offline.. and if you noticed i've been near impossible to reach as of late, this should hopefully explain at least part of it.
well... happy new year!! it's been ages since we've sat down and worked on this site. hopefully y'all have been doing well. @_@ we had a lot of bs to sift through for the past several months, most of it offline or personal, so i won't get into much here... but in brighter news, we'll be travelling quite a bit for the next few months so that will be fun!
so i caved and bought the new splatoon. honestly i was going into it not expecting too much- i LOVED the first game, and the second one ended up being a huge disappointment. actually, i never got to play too much because typically my internet connection is pretty bad, and that game took it so rough i barely could stay in a match for more than 30-45 seconds. :P but enough about that. i just want to focus on the third game for a bit, because if i'm being honest, it's reminded me how much i love splatoon in general.
so.. first post! for the blog portion of the site i want to keep it to stuff relevant to the site itself, related interests and/or projects, etc. also just a nice opportunity in general to talk, since i have a tendency to do that a lot & there isn't really any other good avenue on this site specifically for it. LOL