3/15/24: UNDERGOING SITE REVAMP + REBRANDING! pardon the dust!
PFCware - Ditka


-- ditka
-- est. 200 y/o
-- xe/they
-- genderless + aromantic
-- slime-based alien
unfamiliar technology, following rules,
being helpful
being in charge, low-humidity,
high-pressure situations


ditka is a technician from a far off planet, formerly performing routine maintenance related to thier leaders' space warp technology. their overly polite yet analytical nature may come across as condescending to some, but they truly mean well. although they were previously proud of their job and how they've contributed to society, recent events have invited a different outlook...

2017 STORY: one day, an accident during said maintenance work transported xem to a planet outside xer ruler's jurisdiction. there, xe met kelp- a petty thief- and was introduced to a world where free will reigned. although anxious to get home and initially horrified, ditka learned to 'loosen up' and grew to love the change of pace. however, their subsequent return home wasn't met with the same enthusiasm. now branded an enemy of the people due to their 'radicalization,' xe continues to live with kelp and impart some of their tech knowledge to anyone who will listen.

2015 STORY: essentially same plot at 2017 in regards to being branded a criminal for leaving xer ruler's jurisdiction, however in this older story they become an interstellar navigator dragged along with human girl candy & space fairy cotton in their intergalactic tourism.


ditka is a bit of an old one, their existence going as far back as 2013. originally just a character based on what details i liked drawing back then, xe's become a staple of my characters. i AM indecisive on their story at the moment so i have some contradictory details- neither are ones i got particularly latched onto, though they still mean a lot to me.