PFCWare - Just Out Of Reach

Just Out Of Reach
date: 02-11-2019, words: 497, chapters: 1

He renounced his human name, he lost the need for it ages ago; Legends understand him as the Lunatic. His powers granted to him by the Moon Lord, among other grand responsibilities, meant the Lunatic had ascended beyond a mortal state. Skin of iron, the weight of a feather, recreating his own image purely by will.. Why, he was no man, though not of the Gods. Everything he gave in exchange mattered so little to him, he hardly remembered. He did it all for the Moon, yet she was untouchable. Even with his power, the closest he could be was simply being in the Moon Lord's presence, as he owned the Moon and valued its purity more than any other being. Loyalty for the Moon Lord never wavered, and yet..

Here in the Hall, the Dungeon's mouth, was once a calm place of worship. The followers were not unaware of the chaos they so often bred, and yet they were utterly devoted. Completely helpless to the facade of their wills, those controlled by their leader, who even then refused to take their prayers in person. The Lunatic was there, just never physically. An ego to match your ambitions was never a good thing, he believed; Though the followers were part of his deal, he never cared too much for them. They were much too enthusiastic about the Lunatic himself, even mimicking much of his wardrobe and retelling his ascension as if it were a fantastical tale.

As of recent, the story had changed a bit. As warned by the Moon Lord, since he had now been granted a place of worship, the Hero had arrived- Hero spoken with a tone both sickened and exhausted. He understood Heroes were inevitable, and have shown up time and time again in worlds previously abandoned; the Lunatic was warned of their determination and rapidly expanding power as well.

Why have they been given power? The Lunatic asked.

Not given, the Lord spoke. Taken. These humans appear, they learn quickly how to manipulate their surroundings, and they trick the Others into giving them strength. Their only quest is to destroy the order of this realm, to take power which doesn't belong to them and destroy us all. This is why you are here, Lunatic. You will be my wall; you will convince them of their futile quest however you will.

Time and time again, the Hero indeed arrived, each time with new weapons and tactics. Faces were inconsistent, it didn't matter who came through anymore. The Lunatic had failed his purpose long ago, and only managed to keep going because he had skipped worlds so many times- with the help of his Lord, of course. His patience was running thin; To him, the Moon Lord was no longer convinced of his usefulness, and yet the Lunatic still threw himself at his feet. Even when he had bested the occasional hero, they would return with more powerful forces than before, leaving him to suffocate.