check it out! update log! tracking big and little changes, mostly for personal reference. feel free to read through if you care about that sort of thing as much as i do :) everything before sept 2022 is lost though, just because i never thought to log it before. OTL
- added 1 song to music page - added 1 song to music page - added new blog post - added minecraft page - added new misc favorite games & artists on about page - added 17 new graphics to freebies page (17 emojis) - updated index page - added 9 new graphics to freebies page (9 emojis) - tweaked formatting on freebies page - updated marquee message (long overdue since the rebrand didn't take that long.. but still!) - added 22 new graphics to freebies page (16 emojis, 6 dividers) - added hello kitty island adventure & l.a. noire to 'what i'm playing' section in about; replaced papa's freezeria deluxe and secondlife respectively - added xero character page + button - added rancid character page + button - updated site banner - removed erroneous subtitle from an entry on the writing page - added zukin character page + button - added more decor to about page - tweaked formatting on about page - added 34 new graphics to freebies page (14 88x31s, 20 stamps) - added tripwire character page + button - added mouthwashing & spore to 'what i'm playing' section in about; replaced portal 2 and team fortress 2 respectively - tweaked formatting on animations page - added du hickey's refsheet to mlbfgaf page - made ref sheets immediately visible on oc pages - added projects page - added 2 songs to music page - updated css (again) - updated formatting for about page - updated formatting for home page - added writing page - fixed css on animations page to be more consistent (missed this one. whoopsie) - reorganized work navigation buttons in alphabetical order - added saw fanart tab + 3 images - added 5 images to meme folder - new article prepped BIG fanart update! found a bunch of older stuff i forgot to post! every category got added to, plus a few new ones dropped! - added multiple new fanart tabs (five nights at freddy's, living dead dolls, pokemon, prozzak, saints row, team fortress 2), 79 total new images - reorganized fanart tabs in alphabetical order - added 7 new images to goatlings fanart tab - added 12 new images to homestar runner fanart tab (technically two of these were already on the servers i just never made icons/made them accessible) - added 6 new images to greatest american hero fanart tab - added 17 new images to pop'n music fanart tab - added 2 new images to they might be giants fanart tab - added 9 new images to total drama fanart tab - added 16 new images to homestar runner fanart tab - added meet the robinsons fanart tab + 24 images - added back buttons to every sub-page through my works - added 4 new graphics to freebies page (4 dividers) - added secondlife page - separated 'commissions' button from the rest on my work page - added 4 new graphics to freebies page (4 dividers) - fixed broken/deleted images on commissions page - added decor images to kelp & ditka's pages - cleaned up a lot of redundant/overlapping code - fixed css & formatting across the site for consistency (!!!!!!) - added 10 new graphics to freebies page (10 dividers) - added 16 new graphics to freebies page (5 emojis, 11 dividers (6 pride, 5 fanart) - updated username promo 88x31 to current username - fixed colors on lesbian flag emoji - tweaked formatting on freebies & meme folder pages - added 1 image to meme folder - added new blog post - now trying my best to add 'new' and 'update' labels to recent additions :) - added 10 new graphics to freebies page (10 emojis) - added meme folder page - added 37 new graphics to freebies page (19 stamps, 18 dividers) - added 27 new dividers to freebies page - made divider2.png more visually noticeable - listen i honest to god tried fixing the css so links were more readable but - added myclixie: gate patrol to fun stuff - fixed visual consistency for certain pages - fixed 1 image in starla's gallery - added ko-fi link to sidebar - added kelp, ditka character pages + buttons & starla character page - updated site main body font size - updated mlbfgaf ref sheet access - added fanart section to mlbfgaf page - fixed myclixie personality quiz image results - added more labels - updated buttons - started switching site font (again) - made oc pages accessible via original works page - updated 'simple ref sheet' commission examples - added starla character page button - finished moving remaining pages to new layout - added update log links to all pages (left em out by mistake initially) - added to featured links - new divider, minor layout tweaks - site revamp! all main pages (and some extra) have been updated to the new layout (from here) - about page revamped - new logos/handle/url - edited clixie demo's 'page rec' dialogue - removed guestbook - added new blog post - fixed nav links on blog posts - updated blog archive to actually feature other entries - updated blog posts to actually feature correct header buttons - added new images to commissions page (simple ref + new finished examples) - added first MYCX mad libs adventure (name & host page pending) - added sinestra oc page - changed link to clixie character quiz - fixed image links on myclixie-info - added new blog post - fixed links in blog 1 - updated pop'n music fanart - added total drama fanart (i didnt actually do this on this day i just realized i never acknowledged this happened) - layout tweaks on about page - added fanart to myclixie info page - added blog archive - added new blog post - added emoticons to freebies page - added freebies page - added about page - finished commission page revamp - added guestbook - added images to clixie quiz results - added favicon - updated header button art - added clixie character personality quiz - added fun stuff page - added more commands to clixie demo - added featured tab on index - added clixie demo game - added images to fanart & commissions pages - added updates & testing pages - added what's new tab on index